art production must be personal, true to oneself, not pretended. it should not be a pose. you will not perform to please others but to go further in your personal artistic development. you will try to forget the existence of the others, putting yourself in a private, intimate space, wherever you are.
your sounds will not be musical and your movements will not be dance. it will be the translation of how the surroundings are affecting your body. to do so, you will silence your reason in order to only be in your sensations.
you will use the sensations of your body as a ‘springboard’ to extract the necessary energy to produce the response. do not deny tensions, limitations, on the contrary work from it. from the knot of the muscle, from the joint of your members.
in your response or translation of the surroundings you are in, you will value all its aspects. the seeable, the touchable, the temperature, the sounds. be blind to hear and feel better, be deaf to see and feel better, be tactile, sensual, carnal, animal.
cherish the seemingly inanimate : grounds, walls, surfaces, objects, ... and try to establish contact with it in your own personal way.
the surrounding physicality will become your game companions. consider yourself on the same level.
do not start from or handle personal feelings. what you do is not a therapy. you serve art. you are a researcher. strive to be in a mental state as neutral as possible. you will undoubtfully touch some emotional points. but it is not about trying to find out which points. it is part of the memory of your body, just let it be and flow.
be a newborn who does not know any rule of this world, who does not know anything about what surrounds you. learn again. start from scratch, in your own personal and unique way.
do not censor. do not recognize shame. expose the intimate, proudly.
do not fear to be vulnerable, on the opposite, cherish this state and look for it.
value your instincts most and before all. ponder afterwards.
read as much as you can to be able to understand what you are doing.
do not isolate yourself in your own little artist’s world. be open to all sources. do not judge. be open to what is happening around you. be open to contemporary popular culture.
respect and listen to the state of your body, it is your instrument. you need to be one with it.
value masturbation. it keeps you in contact with the core energy of your body. use it as a centering exercise.
take time to breathe deeply and fully.
allow silence and learn from animals.
value energies and be open to them.
nature will be your guide.